Monday, June 7, 2010

Amazing Support From Local Businesses for the "Save Our Lifeguards" Campaign

Since the campaign to Save Our Lifeguards (SOL) began, we have been receiving wonderful responses from the local business community.
The raffle is loaded with prizes donated by businesses in our community. See below for a list.
Also, several businesses have joined with us in providing unique opportunities to fund raise directly to their customers at special events.
Here are some of the ways that you can shop local and help the campaign at the same time:

Wednesday, June 9 from 4Pm - 7PM come to Whole Foods in Capitola, and have some tacos. They are offering delicious veggie tacos for only $1 or meat tacos for $2. Proceeds go to Friends for the SOL campaign.

Wednesday, June 9 from 5PM - 9PM at Woodstock's Pizza 710 Front St., Santa Cruz Please print our flyer and present it when ordering your tasty pizza and they will donate a portion of the proceeds to Friends for the SOL campaign. (You can find the flyer here.)

Saturday, June 19 from 9AM - 2PM Kitayama Brothers 481 San Andreas Rd,
Watsonville, CA 95076 Monterey Bay Greenhouse & Nursery Tour

The event will consist of several local growers in the Monterey Bay region who—for just this one day—will be opening their greenhouses and nurseries for tours from 9am to 2pm. Friends will have a booth on site at Kitayama Brothers where you can purchase flowers and snacks to benefit the SOL campaign.

Don't miss the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets and WIN!
Look over this fantastic list of prizes donated by local businesses and then contact Friends to purchase your chance to win.

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