Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day in the Parks

Why not take your favorite mother for a walk in the park this weekend?

Upcoming events this Sunday, Mother's Day, May 8th include:
"Search for the Fountain of Health" at Rancho Del Oso
"Wildflower Walk" at Rancho Del Oso
"The Women of Big Basin" at Big Basin
"Redwood Loop Walk" at Big Basin
"What's That Bird?" at Big Basin
For more information on these and other park events for the month of May, click here.

Here are some suggested gifts from our 5 parkstores.

Natural Bridges
French Metal Barrettes

State Parks Hiking Guide, Metal Water Bottle with State Parks Logo, Happy Camper Socks

Seacliff Water Bottle, California State Parks Beach Towel, Whale Watching Handbook

Wilder Ranch
Local Butterflies Guide, Lupines and Monarchs T-Shirt

New Brighton
Chinese Silk Covered Journal, Sandalwood Fan

Santa Cruz Mission
Coiled Basket, Dentalium Shell Necklace, Abalone Earrings